Subcollection of Artistic Crafts

About UsPublic ProcurementSubcollection of Artistic Crafts

Dagmar Pícová
curator of the subcollection of artistic crafts - metals, conservator
420 721 434 231


Miroslav Vrba
curator of the subcollection of artistic crafts - wood, conservator
420 602 219 832a

The subcollection of Artistic Crafts consists of two parts - furniture making and utilitarian objects made of metals.


Furniture making is represented by a large collection of furniture from rural and urban environments (folk painted furniture, inlaid furniture) and a collection of furniture from the interior of a castle from the estate of Baroness Ulrika von Levetzow.


Metals are represented by collections of utilitarian tableware (pewter mugs, copper molds), liturgical utensils (monstrances, candlesticks, crucifixes, holy water fonts), and decorative items made from both common and precious metals.


Both parts document the historical development of working technologies and refinement techniques using local raw materials (wood, metal ores). The collection represents the production of the Czech lands, particularly the Krušné hory region, Mostecko, northwestern Bohemia, Saxony, and other countries in Europe. The collection items date from the 16th to the 20th century, with the 19th century being the most represented. The subcollection contains approximately 500 items of furniture and 1290 items of metals.