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Central European Cultural Landscape of Montanregion Erzgebirge / The Ore Mountains - A World Heritage Site by UNESCO

Mitteleuropäische Kulturlandschaft Montanregion Erzgebirge / Ore Mountains - Weg zum UNESCO-Welterbe

Project No. 100042493,
implementation period 1.7. 2010 - 30. 9. 2012

The project was supported by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund: Investing in your Future under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program between the Czech Republic and the Free State of Saxony, Program Objective 3 / Ziel 3.

Project partners

Ústí nad Labem region (Lead-project partner)
Technical University - Bergakademie Feiberg
Regional Museum in Most, p.o.
Montanregion Erzgebirge, e.V.

The aim of the project was to select monumental monuments from the Czech and Saxon Ore Mountains with the potential to achieve the World Heritage Site. For this purpose, a Czech coordination center was set up, which together with its Saxon counterpart cooperated on the activities for assessing suitable parts of the cultural landscape called Montanregion Erzgebirge.

The Ústí Region, through the Department of Culture and Monument Care, coordinated the meetings of the partners and on the Czech side organized expert meetings with national authorities and also promoted the project within conferences and workshops. More in section Outputs.

Technical University - Bergakademie Freiberg, represented by the Institute for Scientific and Technical History, has ensured the methodical management of the documentation and evaluation of the monuments and their preparation for the nomination of the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Regional Museum in Most, p.o. was responsible for the preparation of three Implementation Studies to determine and define areas of the World Heritage and Protected Areas on the Czech side of the Ore Mountains, which are among the key objectives of the Central European Cultural Landscape of the Montanregion Ore Mountains / Erzgebirge - the Way to World Heritage by UNESCO.

Study, processed by RNDr. Michalem Urban CSc. in 2011, was used as the basis for an application for registration on a national indicative list of UNESCO-listed landmarks.

The Montanregion Erzgebirge was founded in Freiberg in 2003 as a subsidiary organization for the Nurseries of Saxony's nomination for UNESCO. He prepared professional events as part of the project.