Entomological Subcollection
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Pavel Krásenský, curator of the entomological collection
tel.: +420 602 976 216
The collection primarily includes species occurring in the museum's collection area, namely from Mostecko, Chomutovsko, Lounsko, Teplicko, Ústecko, and to a lesser extent from other regions. A small portion of the material comes from other parts of Europe, primarily from Greece or Croatia.
Beetles (Coleoptera) – 149,313 specimens, with the most represented being:
23,135 specimens - weevils (Curculionidea)
20,534 specimens – ground beetles (Carabidae)
19,929 specimens – leaf beetles (Chrysomelidae)
17,000 specimens – water beetles (Dytiscidae, Gyrinidae, Haliplidae)
10,256 specimens – longhorn beetles (Cerambycidae)
10,221 specimens – rove beetles (Staphylinidae)
Butterflies (Lepidoptera) – 8,175 specimens.
Other orders (Hemiptera, Hymenoptera, Dermaptera) – 854 specimens
Several hundred specimens of beetles and butterflies lack locality data and are thus included only in the comparative or study collection.
Among the main collectors who contributed to the entomological collection of OMM are: Josef Borovička, Jiří Havlůj, Miroslav Honců, Jaroslav Hrbáček, Josef Kačer, Stanislav Laibner, Alois Láska, Zorka and Jindřich Novotný, Jan Pulpán, Karel Schön, Jaromír Strejček, Josef Šimek, Ivan Táborský, Pavel Tyrner, Václav Vysoký, etc.