White Cannibal - Grand Opening of the Exhibition
› Detail › White Cannibal - Grand Opening of the ExhibitionNovember 1, 2019
We cordially invite you to the grand opening of the exhibition WHITE CANNIBAL - AFRICAN ODYSSEY OF FILMMAKER AND TRAVELER JOHN L. BROM on November 1, 2019 at 5 PM at The Regional Museum and Gallery in Most, p. o., Čsl. armády 1360
Come join us to inaugurate a major exhibition, which is one of the highlights of the second half of this year. This time, the museum will transform into an African village, brought to life by the story of John L. Brom, a forgotten Czech filmmaker, traveler, producer, dancer, and actor.
After Australia, Egypt, and China, you will again have the opportunity to travel with the museum to distant lands. The exhibition will include guided tours and lectures.
The exhibition will run from November 2, 2019 to January 31, 2020