Opening of Pavel Matuška´s Exhibition Smiling

DetailOpening of Pavel Matuška´s Exhibition Smiling


We invite you to the opening of Pavel Matuška's exhibition on February 2, 2023, at 5 PM.

Pavel Matuška began publishing his drawn humor in 1980 in a number of Czech newspapers and magazines. He soon became one of the philosophizing caricaturists alongside Born, Barták, Jiránek, Renčín, and Slíva. He has organized more than 100 solo exhibitions of drawn humor, published several books, and for his work, he holds numerous prestigious awards from around the world. Currently, in addition to advertising graphics, he is increasingly focusing on free creation – painting and sculpture, but even in his paintings and wooden sculptures, he does not abandon his philosophical foundation – humor.

The opening will be musically accompanied by students of ZUŠ F. L. Gassmanna in Most. The exhibition will be open from February 3 to May 14, 2023

We look forward to seeing you!