Selection Procedure - Musicologist Position
› Detail › Selection Procedure - Musicologist Position7.5.2024 - 31.5.2024
We are announcing a selection procedure for the position of "Curator of Collection and Mobile Funds - Musicologist" for a part-time employment (0.4 workload) for an indefinite period or for an agreement on work performed outside the employment relationship (agreement).
Salary class: 10
Place of work: Regional Museum and Gallery in Most
Applications with the required documents should be delivered in a sealed envelope marked "Selection Procedure" to the museum's registry office or sent by mail to: Regional Museum and Gallery in Most, contributory organization, Čsl. armády 1360/35, 434 01 Most, or sent electronically (the extract from the Criminal Record Registry and the document of the highest achieved education must be converted into electronic form) to the data box of the Regional Museum and Gallery in Most, and this no later than 31. 5. 2024.
For more information about the selection procedure click here