Quite a Large Theater at the Regional Museum - The Master and Margarita

DetailQuite a Large Theater at the Regional Museum - The Master and Margarita

September 25, 2017 - September 26, 2017

THE MASTER AND MARGARITA – September 25, 2017 at 7 PM and September 26, 2017 at 7 PM

The story of Mikhail Bulgakov about love and the desire for freedom revealing through the Devil the evil in people and society was allowed by the communists to be published only 27 years after the author's death. Quite a Large Theater presents this mystical grotesque, which dangerously resembles our present, on the 50th anniversary of the first publication of the novel. Directed by Jurij Galin.

Admission 200 CZK, students and seniors 100 CZK. Tickets can be ordered at tel. 778 094 093 or 476 752 487, email propagacedocelavelkedivadlo.cz

THE MASTER AND MARGARITA – November 23, 2017 at 7 PM

The story of Mikhail Bulgakov about love and the desire for freedom revealing through the Devil the evil in people and society was allowed by the communists to be published only 27 years after the author's death. Quite a Large Theater presents this mystical grotesque, which dangerously resembles our present, on the 50th anniversary of the first publication of the novel. Directed by Jurij Galin.

Admission 200 CZK, students and seniors 100 CZK. Tickets can be ordered at tel. 778 094 093 or 476 752 487, email propagacedocelavelkedivadlo.cz