Percussion shotgun by the gunsmith W. Bardl from Horní Litvínov

DetailPercussion shotgun by the gunsmith W. Bardl from Horní Litvínov


Exhibit of the month 4 / 2020

Percussion single-shot shotgun (known as a "jednuška") of small caliber (24, 14.6 mm), signed W. Bardl Oberleutensdorf.

The weapon has a purposefully simple shape without any decorative elements. This weapon was intended for hunting small game (pheasant, hare, partridge).

Not much is known about the gunsmith W. Bardl from Horní Litvínov, only that he operated in the first half and at the turn of the mid-19th century. The name might suggest that he could have been a member of the famous gunsmithing family Bartl from the Ore Mountains. Members of this prominent family from Vernéřov and Vejprty are also known under various name variants such as Bärtl, Bartel, Partel, or Barth.

The Regional Museum and Gallery in Most has two percussion rifles in its collection that bear the signature of this gunsmith master, and another third known piece is known from a private collection.