Nest of the Blackcap

DetailNest of the Blackcap


Exhibit of the Month 4 / 2021

Blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla) is a commonly distributed species that is completely undemanding in terms of habitat, living in deciduous and coniferous forests, parks, gardens, orchards, and shrubs…

The nest is very sparse, built from grass stems and roots. Its edges are often reinforced with spider silk. It is placed in a dense bush or tree up to two meters above the ground.

The Blackcap nests once a year from May to July. It lays 4 - 5 eggs. Both birds incubate them for 11 - 12 days and then feed the young for another 11 - 14 days. They stay with the chicks for an additional 2 - 3 weeks.

Text and photo: Jaroslav Bažant