Museum Night or Man on the Tracks

DetailMuseum Night or Man on the Tracks

October 2, 2020

Museum Night or Man on the Tracks, on Friday, October 2, 2020, 4 PM - 9 PM

The Regional Museum and Gallery in Most has prepared an exhibition titled 150 Years of Railways in the Most and Chomutov Regions. Throughout 2020, several accompanying activities took place, such as lectures, trips, etc. We decided to present the theme of railways also during Museum Night, which is intended for the general public, families with children, as well as railway enthusiasts.

During the entire event, various types of model railways will be presented from 4 PM to 9 PM, and there will also be workshops for children, a photo corner, and a children's corner with railway themes. A commemorative stamp created specifically for this exhibition will also be ceremoniously unveiled, which will have its premiere during Museum Night, and visitors will be able to use it to stamp postcards of locomotives by Jiří Bouda. These will be on sale in a replica of a historical railway office. There will also be screenings of documentaries with railway themes and the sale of nostalgic cardboard tickets. Ivan Votava will present the chronicles of old railway stations in Most (many of which no longer exist today). The museum's specialized library will offer a showcase of professional and collection literature related to the history of railway transport in the region. Historical railway toys and models up to 1945 from the private collection of Radek Vejřík will also be on display. Another major attraction will be the presentation of a detailed model railway layout in H0 scale by the Moldaváček Railway Modellers Club from Osek.

We believe that we have prepared an attractive program not only for railway fans but also for families with children and other visitors.

Event partners: Czech Railways, the "Moldavská dráha / Teplický Semmering" Foundation, Moldaváček Railway Modellers Club

Admission: voluntary