Minerals of the Eastern Ore Mountains

DetailMinerals of the Eastern Ore Mountains

17.2.2016 - 11.9.2016

The exhibition Minerals of the Eastern Ore Mountains presents two perspectives on the beauty of minerals from the three most important localities of this region, Cínovec, Krupka, and Moldava. These locations are among the richest mineralogical sites in the entire Czech Republic. Each of them hosts about 100 species of minerals. Cínovec is particularly famous for its excellent specimens of various varieties of quartz, wolframite, cassiterite, cinvaldit, and scheelite. Krupka is known primarily for its crystals of cassiterite, fluorite, apatite, and molybdenite. Moldava, on the other hand, is exceptional for its range of silver minerals, which do not occur in Cínovec and Krupka.

One part of the exhibition features over a hundred mineral specimens in a wide range of sizes, colors, and crystal shapes. Some of the specimens come from the collections of the Regional Museum in Most, the Regional Museum in Teplice, and the Museum of the City of Ústí nad Labem. Some of the exhibited samples have been lent by regional collectors. The exhibited specimens are not part of any permanent exhibition, making this exhibition the only opportunity to view them.

The second perspective on minerals offers a collection of nearly one hundred photographs by Petr Fuchs. Petr has been a mineral collector since childhood and has been photographing minerals since 2000. He specializes in photographing small specimens measuring just a few millimeters. Over time, he has become one of the best mineral photographers not only in the Czech Republic but also on a global scale. This collection is his most extensive exhibited collection to date.

Poster - Minerals of the Eastern Ore Mountains

Photographs from the exhibition 

Informational material