6.11.2020 - 31.12.2021
The Natural Science Department of the Regional Museum and Gallery in Most, p. o. invites you to the exhibition MEMORIAL TREES OF THE ÚSTÍ REGION by botanist Vít Joza.
Memorial trees are living, albeit silent witnesses of our history. A look into their world is brought by the authorial exhibition of Vít Joza focused on exceptionally valuable memorial trees in the Ústí region. You will learn about trees distinguished by their age, height, dendrological or landscape value, as well as trees particularly noteworthy from the perspective of our history. Many are protected, while others have so far remained outside our interest, even though they certainly can be compared to the protected ones. Some already deceased notable trees are also remembered. You will also glimpse into the life of memorial trees, their threats, and the possibilities of protecting them.
Ing. Vít Joza - curator of the botanical collection, botanist
The exhibition has been extended until the end of 2021.
The opening on 5. 11. 2020 and the accessibility of the exhibition to the public depend on the measures of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic and the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic related to the coronavirus epidemic.