Exhibition ICH BIN EIN OTTER or how the otter came across the border

DetailExhibition ICH BIN EIN OTTER or how the otter came across the border


11.2.2022 - 30.6.2022

The Regional Museum and Gallery in Most, p. o. presents an exhibition for nature enthusiasts titled ICH BIN EIN OTTER, OR HOW THE OTTER CAME ACROSS THE BORDER.

The river otter is a predator that usually hunts its prey – fish, amphibians, crayfish, and other animals – in the water. Once, it was completely or nearly exterminated in many areas due to its valuable fur and the destruction of its habitat. However, in recent decades, the otter has begun to return to the Ore Mountains and its foothills, in Bohemia and in neighboring Saxony.

On 50 photographic panels, visitors will learn about the life of the otter, its needs and distribution, as well as the problems that still threaten it. Through many specimens, they will also get acquainted with aquatic animals that live with the otter in rivers, streams, and on the shores of ponds and pools – from fish to birds, amphibians, and small invertebrates. Some of them "animate" large dioramas with many specimens of fish and mammals. The exhibition also shows the state of the aquatic environment of this region, its beauty, and the places that we humans have already managed to destroy.

In addition to photographic panels and a number of specimens, the exhibition also includes various other unusual exhibits, such as aquariums with live fish, historical products made from otter skin, and traps for catching otters, as well as large dioramas with many specimens of fish and mammals. The traveling exhibition is complemented by roll-ups summarizing the results of the cross-border research project Lutra lutra, which took place on both the Czech and German sides of the Ore Mountains from 2014 to 2020. The entire exhibition is bilingual.

The exhibition is intended for both adults and children. Fun educational games for the youngest visitors are complemented by a video "Journey with the Otter" created directly in Northwest Bohemia. An accompanying educational program is prepared for schools.

The opening of the exhibition will take place on Thursday, February 10, at 5 PM at the Regional Museum and Gallery in Most, p. o. (Čsl. armády 1360). The exhibition will run from February 11 to June 30, 2022.

Curator of the exhibition: Ing. Vít Joza, +420 414 120 238, joza.vomgm.cz 

Admission: 30 CZK full (adults) / 5 CZK reduced (students and seniors)

Open daily except Monday from 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM, Sat – Sun and holidays from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM.