Common Teal

DetailCommon Teal


Exhibit of the Month 9 / 2023

Common Teal

One of many of our species of dabbling ducks is the common teal. It is a small swimming duck, the male is very brightly colored, the female has covering brown feathers. Both sexes have a white-edged green speculum on their wings, which is clearly visible during flight. The common teal nests sparsely throughout the Czech Republic from April to June. The female lays 8 – 11 eggs, which she incubates for 21 – 23 days. The male often stays nearby and participates in raising the offspring after hatching. Teals are omnivores, foraging in shallow water and mud. It is a declining species, with its population significantly decreasing.

Text: Jaroslav Bažant, Photo: Miloslav Anderle