20.2.2020 - 31.5.2020
We cordially invite you to the exhibition BRIDGE - DESTRUCTION AND BIRTH, which will last until 30. 8. 2020
In the premises of the Regional Museum and Gallery in Most, p. o., there is an exhibition that presents the tumultuous history of the city of Most in the 20th century, titled Bridge - Destruction and Birth. This year marks 56 years since the issuance of government declaration no. 180 on the construction of the new Most and the liquidation of the old town. The exhibition was created a few years ago by the National Heritage Institute in Ústí nad Labem, but it still remains relevant today. The mining in the area of the historic city of Most and all the consequences associated with it, such as landscape devastation, the destruction of the settlement and the creation of a new one, the relocation of thousands of people, and the severing of their ties, represent a unique social experiment even on a global scale. The panel exhibition documents the impacts of the demolition of the old Most and the construction of the New Most in architectural and urban planning terms.
It is also enriched with some little-known three-dimensional exhibits from the collection of the Regional Museum and Gallery in Most, which have been hidden in storage for years. A large part of these sources has never been publicly presented.