Bird Festival 2016
› Detail › Bird Festival 20161.10.2016
The Czech Ornithological Society and the Regional Museum in Most invite you to a guided ornithological walk, during which we will observe waterfowl and birds of open landscapes at the Betynka wetland, in the valley of the Srpina stream, and at Křemencový hill we will also see the capture and ringing of birds conducted by Luděk Jokel.
In addition to avifauna, we will also pay attention to plants, which will be discussed by Vít Joza, a botanist from the Regional Museum in Most.
Cordially invites Jaroslav Bažant, guide of the Bird Festival.
Participants are to meet on 1. 10. 2016 at 8 AM
at the parking lot by Benedikt.
Bring a snack, binoculars, and a relaxed mood with you.
info: bazantmuzeum-most. cz