Exhibit of the Month 4 / 2024
The exhibit of the month of April has been prepared for our visitors this time by the museum library, which would like to present an unusual old print from its collection. It is the so-called “A COLLECTION OF TRADITIONAL FOLK SONGS” dated at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries.
The collection contains 63 individual folk songs, mostly with religious themes, supplemented with engravings, clumsily stitched into a folder with an originally leather binding. The book was handed over to the museum on January 6, 2000, by Mr. Jaroslav Dykast, who found it in very poor condition in Bečov near Most. The print was completely restored in 2012 and provided with a new leather cover, while the remnants of the original cover were partially preserved as part of the restoration intervention. It is a very unique and research-attractive component of our collection.
Text: Ing. Diana Šlajsnová Kvapilová – OMGM library
Photo: Pavel Krásenský - OMGM